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Biology is a popular subject, and the biology research topics are plentiful. It cannot be simple to figure out which interesting biology topic to choose for your research paper.But not all biology topics are created equal, so you want to make sure to have the right Capstone project ideas as you pick one interesting enough to get noticed by your instructor. Here we provide some of the best biology topics for research that will help you earn a better grade!

Biology Research topics that encompass the bigger picture.

General Biology

General biology is the study of all life forms. It can be studied at a college level or in high school as part of a broad introduction to the discipline. Courses in general biology cover topics such as cellular functions, cell structure, cellular energy production through photosynthesis, cell transport processes including various types of locomotion, how cells divide and replicate, and how cells respond to external stimuli. General topics in biology are a broad topic that scientists can study for years that explores everything about biology.


Ecology is a broad and diverse topic in biology due to its scope. It explores how living organisms interact with each other and their environment, looking at ecosystems. There are many topics of interest in ecology, including the diversity of life in ecosystems, distribution, overall biomass, interactions between species, and biotic versus abiotic variables on individual members of an ecosystem.

Biology Topics at the Molecular Level

Molecular Biology

Molecular biology is one of the sub-topics in biology that involves studying the molecular basis of actions in biomolecules like DNA, RNA, and proteins. There are many different interactions between these biomolecules in a single cell and how they are regulated based on their relationship with one another. Reactions to create these biomolecules are often approached using mutagens or enzymes to study the modern changes caused by these interactions.

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Structural Biology

Structural biology is a subdiscipline of molecular biology that studies how molecules form. Structural biologists examine the molecule’s structure to determine its function and how it interacts with other cells, both healthy and unhealthy cells.

In the meantime, explore 200 Research Paper Topics!

Biology Topics on Cells and Microorganisms

Biology Topics on Cells and Microorganisms

Cell Biology

It is the study of the structure and function of cells. Cell biologists explore all aspects of cell physiology, including cell life cycles and structure. In general, humans are composed wholly or in part of many different types of cells that can each specialize in a certain function; learning how these cells work leads to a detailed understanding of the individual’s general biology.


Atmospheric biology is a newly emerging field that has been made possible thanks to modern advancements in aerosol detection technology. This side of science deals with the study of organic particles found floating above the earth’s surface.These particles include pollen grains, fungal spores, bacteria, viruses, and small insects and all they have to do for this phenomenon to take place is to be blown into the air by wind.


Bacteriology is a subsidiary of biology that specializes in studying bacteria. It looks at their ecology, morphology, genetics, and other related features. This sub discipline also covers the identification, classification, and characterization of bacterial species. These tiny organisms are essential to us because they can have huge effects on our health – and thus the health of the planet.


Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms. It studies microorganisms, whether they are unicellular (single cell), acellular (lacking cells), or multicellular (cell colonies). The field also includes fundamental research on physiology, cell biology, ecology, evolution, biochemistry, and essential aspects of microorganisms.

Anatomy Biology Topics


The study of the structure, composition, and location of the parts of organisms is also called anatomy. There are three main categories: human anatomy, zootomy (the study of animal behaviors), and plant anatomy. The focus is on understanding the relationship and behavior between these parts.


Histology, also known as microanatomy or cytology, primarily uses a microscope to examine microscopic structures in plants and animals. Histology often examines functional and structural relationships between biological tissue samples that have been sectioned and mounted on slides.

Health Biology Topics


Cytotechnology is a specialization that uses microscopic cells to detect different cell abnormalities such as cancer. It involves a thorough examination of samples collected from body cavities, the uterine cervix, classification, or lungs. The scientists put the cells of these areas on glass slides and use microscopes to evaluate them for abnormalities.


The subject of immunology entails the study of the immune system in all organisms. The physiological functions and chemical components of immune systems are material to this field. Studies measuring malfunctions in different illnesses, including autoimmune diseases, leukemias, immune deficiencies, and transplant rejection, represent a spectrum of immunologic disorders.


Virology is the study of viruses and the diseases they cause. Viruses are not technically considered alive, but they still fall under biology due to their morphological characteristics. They also affect living organisms which makes it crucial to understand them and their effects on hosts. The field focuses on the ways viruses infect their host, techniques for isolating them, and their impact on the host and individuals.

Topics on Biology of Animals

Human Biology

Human biology is the study of human beings, their anatomical structure, and function. This field also includes how our genetic material influences who we are as humans based on biological and social environments. In addition to being a vital ingredient of medical research, scientists can use this field in other fields such as anthropology or epidemiology, among many others. 

Despite its narrow focus in the animal kingdom, this field is quite interdisciplinary because scientists draw from so many ideas from different areas to understand the biology of human beings.Because of its narrow focus in the animal kingdom, the field is quite interdisciplinary. That is why if you are looking for the ultimate guide on how to write a short essay or searching for a thesis topic on this particular subject, please keep reading below!

Marine Biology

Marine biologists focus primarily on the study, observation, and preservation of organisms from a marine environment. Although they are not confined to studying aquatic life exclusively, most marine biologists specialize in these areas due to the extensive pattern of this field.  Marine biologists work directly with educational institutions like colleges and universities, where they teach courses and seminars that cover their specialization and biology in general.


It is also known as animal biology because it involves the scientific study of the animal kingdom. The field specializes in classification, habits, embryology, evolution, and distribution of all animals on Earth with practice-oriented goals that focus on practical applications and scientific knowledge from this diverse branch.

Interdisciplinary Biology Presentation Topics


Biochemistry is a field of biology that uses chemistry to solve problems in areas of modern biology. Studies in this area involve applying chemistry techniques to biological processes at a molecular and cellular level, such as metabolism, molecular genetics, and protein science. A popular topic for research within biochemistry is the study of enzymes and their effect on digestion.


Electrophysiology has been defined as a scientific discipline that studies biological tissues and cells’ electrical and physical properties. The term describes electric current or voltage changes on various scales from organisms to small protein ions channels. Still, it is most often used in the study of heart rhythms.


Biotechnology uses living organisms and biological systems to create products that primarily improve health care, agriculture, and food production. In biotechnology, the field started in the early 19th century, which is pretty recent by scientific standards and is something humans have been using since they first started improving those fields of study.


Cryobiology is the study of how organisms react to being in cold temperatures. It comes from Greek words meaning “cold” and “life.” It can be found in biology, which studies living things at low temperatures. The field of cryobiology studies the effects of low temperatures. These methods help us study how to store and preserve tissues and cells for long-term use. It can also help destroy unhealthy tissue.

Interesting Topics that Mix Biology and Math

Mathematical Biology

Mathematical biology deals with theoretical analysis, mathematical abstractions, and models to explain the principles that govern the behavior, structure, and development of living organisms. Mathematical biologists use rigorous mathematics and statistics better to understand natural systems like an ecosystem or cell. This research differs from experimental biologists because they work in controlled situations like a lab.

Computational Biology

Computational biology uses biological data to produce models or algorithms. These algorithms help to understand biological relationships and systems. It uses experimental data and utilizes various methods from different computational and mathematical fields to study biological systems. Additionally, the area can provide insights into how these systems work, how they evolve, and how to repair them.

Such biology research topics are not only interesting, but it also offers a wide range of career possibilities for those who specialize in the field including software engineers, data scientists, mathematicians, and biostatisticians.

Historical Biology Topics

Evolutionary Biology

It is a type of Biology Research paper that examines the history and origin of life on Earth. It begins by studying how all life began with one common ancestor, then looks at ancestral changes that led to diversity in our environment today. As a branch of biological sciences, it explores the relationship between biology and the environment. Evolutionary biology, is also known as Darwinism or Neo-Darwinism, is a branch of biology that studies how changes in populations over time lead to changes in species.


Paleontology’s counterpart in the life sciences, paleobiology, is studying ancient species and their evolution. The role of paleobiology is to take what we know about how fossils have been preserved over time and clinical evidence of molecular evolution and combine it with how biological systems work today.

Interesting Biology Research Topics on Development and Growth


Genetics refers to studying hereditary factors within organisms and how those genes are passed on from parents. Genetics affects a person’s physical, emotional, psychological, or intellectual condition in life. Genes come either from biological parents, one identical set causing some traits, and one set that differs without any apparent connection with the said trait.

Developmental Biology

Developmental biology is the study of cellular development in organisms to make them grow and change. It includes regeneration of limbs and other parts, metamorphosis, differentiation, stem cells that turn into fully grown organisms, and asexual reproduction. As a field of study, biology primarily focuses on how organisms develop. Studying these typical developmental processes can help us understand why cells become cancerous and what we can do to stop tumors.


Embryology examines pre-birth development. It starts with fertilization and continues through prenatal development phases involving gametes, embryos, and fetuses. This field also encompasses analysis of developmental disorders that occur before birth, and comparative or descriptive studies are used to study them.

Interesting Biology Topics by Systems

Interesting Biology Topics by Systems


One of the most interesting and relevant biology topics for research involves the impact of day-night cycles on the human body. This field describes how people and other animals experience various physical, mental, and emotional changes in a predictable decrement tied to Earth’s circadian rhythm cycle.


Eccrinology is the branch of anatomy and physiology that deals with ductless glands and secretions. A major gland found in the skin of all humans is the eccrine gland. This organ produces sweat that consists of salt and water. The smell-less, clear substance also prevents losses in the salty content present in human bodies because it’s reabsorbed to help with this issue.


The endocrine system has several (3) organs that release hormones into the circulatory system to regulate other body parts. Hormones are the chemicals that cause the actions of various human organ systems. The endocrine system is a complex ensemble with glands and tissues that work together for all of our essential body processes to happen, but it’s made up of certain parts that have a greater impact on the whole. The endocrine system also plays an ideal role in human development. Hormonal imbalance can result in various medical conditions such as thyroid disease, diabetes, and growth impairment.


Xenobiology is a field in synthetic biology that deals with manipulating and synthesizing biological systems and devices. The word Xeno comes from the Greek for “guest.” This branch of biology deals with creating new lifeforms that do not exist on Earth yet. Xenobiology is related to astrobiology, the study of extraterrestrial life, and biohacking, the study and use of biology in a laboratory setting.

Interesting Biology Topics About Brain And Body


Neuroscience is a fascinating branch of medical study that explores the human nervous system. Scientists combine molecular, physiological, developmental, and anatomical disciplines with scientific psychology to understand neural processes and neurons to gain insights into how cells interact and induce behavior through electrical impulses.


Physiology is the study of how cells, organs, and organ systems interact to maintain homeostasis. It can be a challenging field since it involves many complex topics; however, some exciting areas will get you noticed in class.

Interesting Biology research topics for Students

Biology Research Topics For High School

Biology Research Topics For High School

Choosing a biology topic for research is not easy. Many students are baffled with the overwhelming amount of information they need to make a single decision. That is why, we have listed the top biology topics for essays and research papers to get noticed by your professor, that would surely get you top grades in class.

  1. Compare the different types of cell reproduction.
  2. Explain the process of photosynthesis.
  3. What are the main procedures that regulate human metabolism?
  4. Explore the latest evidence for Darwin’s theory of evolution.
  5. How does the idea of evolution support the tree of life?
  6. How does an organism get its nutrition?
  7. Research how humans have affected biodiversity.
  8. How do population dynamics operate?


    Environmental Biology Research Topics

Biology Research Topics For High School
  1. The importance of light in different water plants.
  2. The effect of deforestation in the Amazon.
  3. Analyze the consequences of ecological degradation.
  4. What are the implications of losing all the honeybees?
  5. Compare methods of water disposal.
  6. How are the presence of worms and other aspects of an ecosystem related?
  7. Why should we be concerned with world biodiversity conservation?
  8. How can food security be achieved without damaging the environment?

Molecular Research Topics for College

Molecular Research Topics for College

Molecular is a diverse field and an excellent topic to be written on. However, if you are looking for something specific for your Microbiology assignment help, we have made a compilation of popular topics that you can use. That includes, but not limited to,

  1. How do microbes develop natural immunity?
  2. Outline the five types of cells that comprise a healthy immune system.
  3. What is the impact of microbiology on the industry?
  4. What are some ways to degrade chemical pollutants in soil?
  5. Investigate the agents that kill bacteria.
  6. What is an acellular agent?
  7. What causes asthma?
  8. The Impact of Stress on the Overall Immune System

Anatomy & Human Research paper Topics

Molecular Research Topics for College
  1. What is the duty of the respiratory system?
  2. What are the symptoms of anemia?
  3. Explain how the brain controls behaviors?
  4. How is Medical anthropology important for understanding health?
  5. How do osteologists interpret data from different bones?
  6. Explain how kidneys help in filtering blood?
  7. Which trends in nutrition are likely to have the most significant impact?
  8. Explore the various psychological factors that influence one’s health.

Biological Topics About Plants

Biological Topics About Plants
  1. What are the causes of diseases in plants?
  2. Recently, scientists created a plant that could grow autonomously. How does it work?
  3. What are the factors that make a plant toxic?
  4. 5 Interesting Types of Negative Feedback in Plants
  5. Plants and music: could audio samples measure the physiological effects of sound on plants?
  6. The Production of Starch in Plants
  7. How do Cacti survive in the desert?
  8. Examine the properties of medicinal herbs.

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Cell & Molecular College Research Topics

Cell & Molecular College Research Topics
  1. Why are cells in the body subject to cancer?
  2. How much protein is suitable for the body?
  3. How do cells repair broken bones?
  4. The use of stem cells in research.
  5. Check out the communication channels between cells.
  6. Explore the relationship between DNA and the environment.
  7. Write what we know about axon guidance.
  8. Where are memories stored in the brain?

Earn a top grade for your biology paper by choosing an original and exciting topic. We find it helpful to create a list of potential issues for students when it doesn’t come easily. But if you need even more ideas, be sure to contact our support staff; we can help you with a personalized Assignment help or provide fresh ideas for writing.

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