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This blog will explore the key differences between fellowship vs internship. Many students often use the terms interchangeably. But, there is a significant difference between internships and fellowships.

Both internships and fellowships are important aspects of professional development. Internship and fellowship programs provide early career growth to graduate students. Even postgraduate students enroll in internship programs for professional experience.

That’s why it’s imperative to understand the difference between internship and fellowship. It helps graduate students to select the best position in their early careers and gain professional expertise. So let’s discuss the key differences between fellowship versus internship. Meanwhile, you can also explore Personal Letter Format here if you are thinking to write one for your lover or family.

“The fellowship program offers a paid opportunity to graduate students to work on the project or conduct academic research. The company or university pays the compensation. While internship program can be paid or unpaid, college students gain knowledge during internship training”.

Let’s dive deep to understand more about the difference between fellowship and internship programs.

What Is a Fellowship?

Fellowship offers an amazing opportunity for post-college students to focus on professional development. The fellowship period helps students to become leaders in their field and subject. Moreover, most fellowship programs provide challenging and interesting work. Also, you will get interest while you learn about externship vs internship. Get full details here.

Competitive fellowships take students abroad, although fellowships typically carry students from the surrounding area or the comfortable commute distances.

Usually, undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students become part of fellowship programs. This way, they improve their professional skills in the area of their expertise and field of work.

Graduate students working in fellowship programs can get the benefits like:

  • Complete their graduate program.
  • Research topics in their working fields.
  • Career study in their field of expertise.
  • Gain experience & knowledge with handsome compensation.
  • Open paths of glorious career opportunities.

That means fellowship programs are apt for professional development early in their career. Get the best online assignment help

Is It Hard To Get Fellowship Programs For Graduate Students?

Usually, it’s challenging to get the fellowship program for young people and recent graduates. And, students don’t need fellowships to complete their degrees. Fellowships are highly competitive because of limited funding and high demand.

Fellowships require you to be a topper and expert in your field of expertise. Fellowship job opportunities are awarded to students having strong future academic potential. The best students have a chance to get fellowships.

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Time Duration To Complete Fellowships

Time Duration To Complete Fellowships

It takes a few months to several years to complete fellowship programs. It takes a few months if the student is enrolled in fellowships. However, scholars take years to complete their fellowships. Most students take summer fellowships and easily complete is a few months.

It takes years for fellowship applications to get accepted. Many schools want you to complete graduation before joining fellowship programs. Some other reasons why many fellowships difficult to get are:

  • You need to write a personal essay.
  • Need 2-3 recommendation letters.
  • Students need to have a strong resume.
  • Require multiple transcripts.
  • Fulfill other fellowship-related qualifications.

Most companies offer fellowships where you need to complete a project proposal. In short, fellowships take a long time to apply for and complete.

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Are Fellowships Paid or Unpaid?

All fellowships are paid programs. The monetary benefits are given to students and scholars to focus on academic research and completing projects. The idea is students don’t need to work somewhere else to complete their projects or take extra stress.

Usually, fellowship programs are funded by college credits, universities, foundations, non-profit organizations, government organizations, and corporations. The amount of funding depends upon the particular field of study, research topic, and specific project.

Are Fellowships Useful For Professional Development?

Fellowships offer useful career prospects as they give experience in your field of study. That helps land the dream job after graduation. If you are pursuing a fellowship as a scholar, you will become reputed and well-known in your study field.

That opens many opportunities in your career field for amazing advancement. Overall, fellowships are a great way to boost your career. However, it takes time to complete the application process and get accepted. It also takes time to know “why were corporations formed”.

Let’s now explore every aspect of the internship programs. We will also discuss the differences between internship vs fellowship.

What Are Internship Programs?

What Are Internship Programs?

Most internship programs are devised for undergraduate or graduate students. However, high school students can also apply for internships. Many universities require students to complete their bachelor’s degrees in internship programs.

Students doing internships are known as interns. Interns work in the office with other employees to get hands-on experience. They attend meetings, complete office tasks, and perform whatever is asked of them to understand work environments.

Internship programs are completed during the college’s last year or last few semesters. These programs are conducted late because students can gather the required knowledge in classrooms and apply it in the internship programs. Students work as part-time interns, while some program requires them to attend full-time office.

Internship helps students to acquire practical knowledge in their chosen field. So that they can explore more job opportunities after the completion of the program. Internships offer a learning experience to students, especially when students leave college and enter the real working environment.

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Is It Difficult to Get an Internship?

The difficulty of getting an internship depends upon the field of study. It also depends upon the number of internship positions when you apply for the program. However, getting an internship in competitive and demanding fields is challenging.

Apply with multiple applications in advance to enhance your chances of getting selected. However, good news is there are so many internship positions available. You can even get a job while submitting internship applications. Your college or university also helps you get internship credit.

Are Internships Paid or Unpaid?

Are Internships Paid or Unpaid?

Monetary compensation in internship programs is sometimes paid and sometimes unpaid. When students apply for the internship, you will be paid or will not be mentioned in the job description. Some internships offer hourly wages, while some provide weekly or monthly compensation.

However, most companies don’t pay their interns. Most internship programs are designed to provide experience and knowledge in your field. According to US federal law, unpaid interns can’t replace paid employees. Interns get college credit when they finish their internships.

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 Are Internships Useful?

Internships are helpful for students as they offer amazing opportunities to explore their future career prospects. Moreover, students get work experience, and knowledge, develop new skills, make professional connections, and refine old skills.

It helps students to decide whether they should continue working the way they did during internships. That helps them determine if the field is suitable for them or not. Internships provide a transition phase from a student to an employee. You get professional experience that is not possible otherwise.

You also get new references, and there are always chances of getting hired during the internship phase. Most importantly, internships provide college credits after completion of the internship program.

Differences Between Fellowship Vs Internship

Differences Between Fellowship Vs Internship

Here we will discuss the difference between fellowships and internships. However, both fellowships and internships are essential phases of your career path. Internship and fellowship programs offer wonderful career opportunities. Let’s understand the key differences between fellowship vs. internship.

Fellowship Internship – Focus

The prime focus of fellowship programs is professional development rather than professional experience. Fellows usually have the typical job responsibilities as the already working employees. Usually, fellowships revolve around the projects suggested by the fellows.

Internships mainly focus on gaining working knowledge as a part of a degree or training program requirement. Interns can easily use internships to get full-time employment with the company after completing the program.

Level of Education

Fellowships are offered to those with certain educational levels, especially post graduate levels. In contrast, internships are available to students of any level of education. Usually, fellowships require bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degrees.


Compensation also differs when we compare intern vs fellow. Fellows get stipend-based compensation as per their project and completion time. These are set stipend of specific amounts rather than hourly wages.

While interns receive compensation in the form of hourly wages or course credits for their work. During unpaid internships, students get course credit and experience that they can use in other jobs.

 Application Process

Fellowships applications require more documentation compared with internship applications. While applying for fellowships, you may require a project proposal and time duration to complete it. Besides that, you need a resume, transcripts, cover letter, writing samples, academic studies documents, latest posts, and a letter of recommendation.

While internship application is similar to a job application. The employer may not conduct interviews depending on the number of applications they receive. Internships application often include a resume and cover letter.


Fellowships are generally of longer duration, i.e., up to two years or more. The duration also depends on the industry type. While many internships range from one to a few months depending upon the industry.

We hope you enjoyed exploring the fellowship vs internship. You now also know fellow vs intern meaning and compensation fellows and interns get during their program.

Frequently Asked Questions


Is fellowship the same as an internship?

The internships are mainly offered to undergraduate students in their final year. A fresh graduate can also undergo the fellowship programs. While internships are offered to graduate and post graduate students who want to excel in their field.

What is a fellowship position?

Most fellowships are generally short-term opportunities lasting for a few months to a few years. It focuses on the professional advancement of the candidate. Fellowships are sponsored by specific organizations seeking to enhance leadership in the field.  

Does a fellowship look good on a resume?

Usually, fellowships are represented in the “Awards and Honor” section of the resume. It includes the fellowship name, duration, and summary of your achievements. Fellowships help you get the desired job in your field and industry.  

Is a fellowship a paid job?

A Fellowship program meaning is usually a paid job. It helps you gain experience after your graduate studies. The compensation is paid through salary, stipend, or grant. Sometimes fellowship includes other benefits like medical problem cover, travel grants, and other expenses.

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